Join us every Sunday morning
9:30am Coffee & Fellowship
10:00am Worship Service

Sunday*, 1/19/25:  Guest Pastor Andrew  Severinsen
*please bring a dish and join us for a potluck after service this Sunday!

Sunday, 1/26/25:  Manny Martinez 

For God's glory in Christ &
for our joy in the journey!

Jesus answered, “I am The Way and The Truth and The Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." -John 14:6

Here at Grace Kona we understand that the exclusivity of Jesus Christ can be both incredibly offensive to the world, but also gloriously liberating. As a church, we refuse to compromise on either God's grace or His truth.

We believe our calling and commission by Christ is to declare the truth of Scripture in its fullness, and to do so with grace, gentleness, respect, and love.  There can be no grace without the Christ as The Truth and there can be no Truth without His amazing and glorious grace.

We invite you to join us this Sunday @ 9:30am for coffee and fellowship and at 10am as we gather together to worship Christ Jesus, The Lamb of God, and Savior of the world!