
Leadership & Staff

Kevin M. Kelley
Lead Pastor
Grace Community Church called Kevin to serve as our new Lead Pastor in June of 2024. Kevin has previously served as a lead pastor, missions pastor, and connections pastor. Kevin has an M.Div. (Masters degree in Theology), is the author of a Christian children's book UNSTOPPABLE!, and has been involved with Christian ministry since 2004. Kevin was born again by the GRACE of God in 2003. He is married to Christine and they have four children Delaine, Allie, Connor, and Hannah Grace.

Gordon Dong

Elder Board Chairman

Bill Quinlan

Elder Board Vice Chairman

Dylan Mabuni

Elder Board Treasurer

Tom Selman

Elder Board Secretary

Manny Martinez

Elder Board Member

Scott Ast

Elder Board Member

Tim Rude


Stan Heldt


Michael McCray


Kalehua Meheula

Office/Ministry Assistant

I enjoy helping and plugging people into our Grace Kona family.  I'm happy to answer any and all questions about our church life.  I'm here to serve you.

Alex Dong

Worship Director

Alex leads our worship through music on Sunday mornings.

LouAnne Copeland

Children's Ministry Directors

Our kids at Grace have such amazing leaders and team of awesome volunteers!